Toronto Music Teacher Highlight Léa Beauvais

Rainbow Songs Toronto Music Teacher Highlight Léa Beauvais

You let us know about how much you love our baby and toddler music classes. You also tell us in detail about how much your music teacher means to you! We thought it would be great to share some fun facts about our music teachers. This month’s music teacher highlight is the wonderful Léa Beauvais

Want to sing with Léa? You can have fun making music with her at our Leaside, Mount Pleasant and Davisville, and Danforth locations. Those neighbourhoods don’t work for you? Go to our enrollment page and find the music class near you!

Léa’s Music Background

Born and raised in the Annex neighbourhood of Toronto, Léa has lived and loved music her whole life. She grew up in a musical theatre-loving family, played the clarinet in school, sang in choirs, attended summer drama camps and picked up the guitar at age sixteen. Léa also trained for close to ten years as a competitive gymnast.

While completing her Honours English degree at McMaster University, Léa often performed as a singer-songwriter in bars and cafés, and discovered her passion for musical theatre at this time. She went on to pursue performance professionally and graduated from Sheridan College’s prestigious Bachelor of Musical Theatre Performance program. Léa then spent several years working as a theatre and television actor. Performance credits include working at the Stephenville Theatre Festival in Newfoundland, touring a bilingual musical to Ontario elementary schools with Little Red Theatre, Smile Theatre, The Hogtown Collective, Dora-award winning immersive production “Brantwood” (Sheridan College), a principle role in an episode of Paranormal Witness on the Syfy Network, and providing the singing voice of “Emma” on Family Jr™’s TV show Little People. Léa also recently became a certified 200 hour yoga teacher. 

Léa truly adores working with children and young families, as well as building community through music. She is elated to have found a home with Rainbow Songs, and she cannot wait to make music with you soon!

Fun Facts about Léa and her teaching at Rainbow Songs

What have you learned from the kids in your Rainbow Songs classes

I have learned how to be present and how to dance like no one’s watching!

What’s your best Rainbow Songs memory? 

It’s hard to pick just one! My favourite memories include seeing children grow from week to week. For example, seeing how one baby who started off just sitting still in her mother’s lap progress to sitting up on her own and swaying from side to side as soon as she hears the first note of the “Hello Song.” Or seeing shy children come out of their shell as they start to help with the instrument train or stand up and turn around in the toddler “Hello Song.”

What’s your favourite Rainbow Songs activity? Why?

I really enjoy the parachute! I love seeing the excitement on the children and caregivers’ faces when it comes out. I also like bringing out Motown songs or other fun classics that get everyone singing and dancing along. 

What’s your favourite song in the RS repertoire, and why?

It’s a tie between “What are You Wearing?” and “Two Little Blackbirds.” The first has such a beautiful melody that I find gets everyone singing immediately, and I also enjoy how it gets us all on our feet. I find “Two Little Blackbirds” a really clever and silly song that is also educational! It also gets everyone giggling and really lifts the energy of the room.